How to improve article titles using this awesome tool (#free)

Generating clickable article titles is difficult. But, why is having a good title important? For Google Article titles are super important because it’s the first thing readers will notice in the search listings… eg You can rank well for a term, but if your title sucks you lower its potential to drive real human traffic to your … Read more

Why linking back can improve the authority of your article

Linking back, aka providing a link to any content that is relevant to your article or providing a link to any article you used as research. Just like you would have to do when writing an essay at University, however they called it “references”. It is normal to do some “research” before you write First, … Read more

How to use content tools to generate naturally written content

There are many online tools offering you ways to speed up your content writing: Automated content generators that scrape/mash content together to make new articles. Spinning tools that promise to re-write any article in an intelligent way so you have 100% unique content without any manual re-writing. It doesn’t work… Auto generated content is never as … Read more

#Writing Hack# Group related keywords & write using article topics

The first step to improve the relevancy of your next article is to use MORE relevant keywords in the article. Armed with a list of relevant keywords you now know what dots to “join up” as it were. Simplistic method? Sprinkle those relevant words liberally throughout your article until you have joined all the dots -or- … Read more

Stop wasting your time with auto content generators

Auto content generators don’t work. They are not completely useless but for writing content for your websites where you expect your customers to come and read it, you need to stay far away from anything auto generated. Typical content generator claims “With just a keyword our AI writes unique and readable articles!” “Create unique & original … Read more

Why your typical list of relevant keywords is inadequate

You have been told this? [feature_box style=”4″ only_advanced=”There%20are%20no%20title%20options%20for%20the%20choosen%20style” alignment=”center”] Use long tail keywords in your articles and watch the traffic potential to your blog explode! Go after the low hanging fruit first, write about long tail keywords and target low traffic BUT low competition keywords. [/feature_box] So like any diligent writer you Google “lsi keyword generator” or … Read more

Why spinners and content generators will never produce readable articles

You have a problem You need some content and quickly. So you Google “content generator” “article generator” etc. You install and run the program and realize that no matter what keyword, setting or spinner you use the final article is rubbish. At best, its keyword relevant and you can fix some parts for a readable … Read more