How to attract influencers through content?

Linking your website creates trust and relationship with other brand. However you need to be careful in linking your content. You need to choose which ones have quality content and is related to your product. How would you know if your website can be trusted? It is when someone like and share your post in social media. People … Read more

Tips on how to write content efficiently

Truly great writing is the foundation of remarkable marketing. Many people may find it stressful, some may be boring and others may appreciate the feeling of excitement when writing. It’s really a time consuming to create a unique quality content because it takes time for you to think and create an idea in your mind. However some … Read more

Why content builds revenue?

Creating own business about selling products is not as easy as what everybody thinks. Some business owners are focus on the target customers. Yes, this may help generate revenue but it doesn’t guarantee. It is not the size of the business nor the kind of products you are selling. It’s the customer relationship or trust that must be … Read more

Why content marketing works, and why it doesn’t?

For the business owners who are just starting with their brands, marketing is the first thing they need to practice in order to find their customers and discover their companies. Content marketing is another important social media strategy that needs to be worked out overtime. Content marketing works if you are targeting the correct audience. You … Read more

What is the difference between Content Marketing & SEO?

We often compare content marketing and SEO in business. Content marketing is a way on how will be able to share your content to your target audience. It can also be in social media or other web 2.0 sites. People doing strategy for content marketing are very patient. They rely their success on people’s views and shares. … Read more