5 simple SEO tips to get started

5 SEO simple tips

  1. Finding Keywords
    However choosing the right keywords for your content is much more easier with the several keyword research tools to choose from over the internet. The most important thing is to know the keyword density. Not all target keywords can be used in your content. Make sure that only include at least 20 percent of your keywords in every page content to avoid spamming.
  2. Use Title + Description meta tags
    Properly setting up the amount of keyword in “Title” and “Description” tags to make sure your website will be shown in search results is another thing to focus on. Search engines are capable of reading meta tags and improve sites rankings.
  3. Use keywords in your anchor texts
    When creating links for your pages to another web page, use keyword-friendly anchor texts. Do not use generic texts in your anchor texts. Instead choose the best terms related to your keywords in creating anchor texts. Descriptive words for your links are more likely to click by searchers than those plain generic texts. It calls attention to the searchers and helps your site crawled in search engines.
  4. Use a proper title tag under 60 characters
    Search engines probably hold the content in your website if they see descriptive title tags. Thus, your title tag should not be more than 60 characters. If search engines found more than the ideal number of character, they won’t display it and will never index in search results. However, If it happens that they do show the content, they do not consider it much.


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