The importance of formatting and linking your content

Formal writing consist of several formats and its the writers decision of how they put them in the proper position. The traditional writing has its way of putting  those characters depending on its use. However, in the form of writing content over the internet, there are some ways that still adopt to put on a website and some don’t care. Free writing is the way most bloggers and writers nowadays are practicing.


Why use special characters and formatting techniques in a content?

Similar to what we used to in writing, formatting words is very important in terms of creating articles. Special characters like quotation marks, using bullets and formatting words to bold and italic caption are just some of things to consider in creating a user friendly content for your website.

Bullet point – It relies on what the heading is informing. It also use to enumarate things.

Quotation marks – Use as pair to emphasize a word or a set of words in a content.

Bold and italic format – these two have different functions in some ways and don’t need to appear at the same time in a content. Choose one to use in your article. Bold is use in headings and sometimes to give emphasis to a group of words as italic does but italic usually use for uncommon terms or translated words that is different to a flow of a sentence.

Why need embedding quality links?

Quality outbound links is said to be essential to SEO. Search engine consider a website having outbound links as popular and most shared website. However, before embedding links on your website, you need to know that not all links are good for you. You need to choose the best for your niche and related to your content.

4 things to consider when putting links

Do not link to a bunch of websites. You are building a link farm. It is being penalized by google.

Choose the right links related to your content.

Use you main keywords as the anchor text.

Link to the highest ranking sites within your category.


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