What keywords do I rank for?

Keyword is the most important element you can put in your content to make it powerful and drive traffic. Your website will show up close to the top of the search results, and for some, it will be several pages deep of the list.

Enter the keywords that you want to rank for, and use a free keyword research tool like Google Planner to scrape long-tail keywords based on your niche, and enter them in. You can also enter your website URL or the individual URL of a blog post, and it will show you which keywords you are currently ranking for. We’ll use the keywords that are working well for your site to find other keyword ideas you might not have thought of.

To best see results of your keywords’ ranking, simply put in the keyword  on the search bar of the keyword tool and it will give you the list of the pages and your position on search engines. Your keyword is the best thing you can have on your content that will bring you on top of Google. 

Spun content creation

Content spinning helps website and blogs to avoid duplicate content penalties which would result if the content creator just copied and pasted the same article several times. Your content material will maintain a high quality but there are times when it looks repetitive and that needs reediting. Make sure you don’t spun articles too many times. Sometimes you need to do manual article spinning to make sure no duplication of articles have been posted. It is also called as recycling content. When an existing word is needed for different purposes and you want it to be posted on your website.

You can choose from several article spinners on the internet to make sure if your content has been duplicated or not. When you spin content and you get suggestions,you can go on manually to make it like personal written content. Sometimes it can be easier to rewrite the text completely instead of working hard on editing the original words. 


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