The 3 reasons why every blogger cares about SEO


The 3 reasons why every blogger cares about SEO

Search engine optimization is the process by which a content is being optimized so your blog post will come up in search engine results lists. Every new blogger must need to understand the importance of SEO in their website. It helps them to rank their pages and sometimes, drop them to the last page of Google.

Here is why blogger must know and learn SEO.

Attracts organic traffic to your website

The person that comes in to your website in a natural way is consider as an organic traffic. This happens when someone is typing in his search terms in Google, and your blog post is being shown in the search results, that person may find his answers from your blog post on the list. Proper optimizing your website may result to a natural traffic to your website.

It helps your target audience find you through their search terms

People usually type in their search terms to find answers to their problems. They are looking for help from Google or other social media platforms and mostly people focus on the very first post that they see in search results. If your blog post ranked on first page based on people’s search terms, it would be great for you because it only means that your keywords crawled by search engines and return it to the search lists. It is not easy for your page to get to the top so it is important to have proper strategies and efforts to make it done.

It helps you bring in ROI

Lets be honest. At first when we build our business and do blogging, we have our one goal. It is for us to return our investment. We are trying to put our time and SEO efforts, create a quality content and promote our products and services so people will find us and give them the best that we can and offer them the best that they need. If they found our post helpful,  and they trust your offer, they tend to buy it and so potential buyers come. That is the start of the passive income through the power of social marketing.


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