SEO copywriting hacks that give results

Ever thought of instant results in your blog post? Does your SEO efforts enough to rank your article in Google? Well this time, we are going to show you how some copywriting hacks can give you possible results in search engines. 

Start your content with a good introduction. People gets attracted with a nice and appealing introduction which makes them hook their attention and makes them want to read it. How were you able to create a great one.

Let’s start your introduction with a question. You might want to provide your audience the information they need. Make sure that you write a content that will answer and give them information for what they need. Let’s say you have a spa business and your target are those seeking for the best spa services in town. Then start your article the possible search terms that people would search for.

What are the services opffered at a spa? You probably answer that questions by writing a good article about the services offered in your spa business. That way, people will directly learn what they can get from a spa and even they are not regularly going to a spa, they would get interested and keep on reading your page. 

Another thing is the app method used by a popular SEO expert in his case study.

  • Agree: Identify the reader’s problem, accept and agree with it.
  • Promise: Make an assurance about settling their problem.
  • Preview: Give them a sense of what they will get from your article.