How to improve SEO in 2019

7 things to improve SEO

SEO has an intent of improving your website’s ranking in search engines. This is one of the most effective strategies for business.  This article lets you learn how SEO helps you achieve target traffic to your site this 2019.

Keyword Analysis

Finding the right keywords for your content is necessary. Most businesses assured that the keywords they have in their articles are enough to be searched by people. However, they need to know what exactly the searchers are typing in the search bars. They need to know what category their searchers belong so they can provide the most accurate content for the website which includes the most related keywords. Keyword analysis is becoming unfavorable in 2019, as voice-based search is now more powerful than the usual SEO tactics used by experts.

Keyword Intent Optimisation

Optimising your page for the main keywords of your product will bring more traffic to your website. Sometimes we encounter a high bounce rate, because most of the users can find the link to our website then leave. The reason is, there is no enough information the users found in our content so optimisation on keywords is really important. High bounce rates are not beneficial ranking factor as well.

Check your natural search efficiency for the past 12 months

As you grow business, its SEO performance needs to be improved this 2019. It is important to analyse and recall SEO efforts for the past 12 months. Refer to Google Analytics and calculate the organic traffic collected in the past 12 months time.

Leverage Google’s Mobile First Index

At present more than half of Google search traffic comes from mobile search. It is believed that mobile devices are most likely to use by people and this 2019, it is important that sites must even more responsive and mobile optimised. People find these devices very convenient and easy to view sites and watch video than on desktop computers. 

Create High-Quality Content

When creating content in 2019, it is essential that you describe the proficiency and authority of your content in order to rank well in the search engines. Make it high quality and long-form that can give the users exact answers to their questions.

Acquire Links

Google search engine was the first to used backlinks as a major factor. Now, even though it’s more 2 decades since they were first used, they’re still necessary to use in ranking high in 2019. It will be important to acquire organic, high quality and relevant links from experts and competitors.

Local Search

Let’s accept the fact that, no matter what techniques are coming out, local search still one of the fastest growing elements of SEO. As you grow your business globally, it needs to begin locally. To be able to perform well in local search, ensure that your business is listing in Google My Business, is claimed and optimised.