4 SEO beliefs that Hurt more than Help

We can see a lot of information about SEO and learn about it to apply in our websites. Most of them we believed could help us but in the long run, they make no sense.

Here we will talk about the most SEO beliefs of all time.


Correlation Studies on How Algorithm Works

We believed on popular SEO blogs that publish ranking factors. Well, they aren’t ranking factors. Those are ranking signals which Google has told us. Most ranking factors that we believed are just based on personal experiences and speculations. These “ranking factors” lists are the lists of how the particular things can be measured based on publicly available data established with rankings. The great way on how to identify what improves rankings is to know specific marketing strategies, apply them, and wait for the results. If that strategy works for you by seeing your rankings increase, it is the one that you should focus on.

Guest Blogging Is Against the Law

There is only few left now who do the guest blogging and that is because the belief that it is against Google’s terms of service. In fact its not. Guest blogging for links is the thing that makes it against the Google’s terms. Its like you are wanting to help other page for your guest blogging wherein you just want to put your links. Why not just use your website to spread the word.

Social Signals As Ranking Factor

People mostly used facebook, twitter, Google + and other social signal to gain likes and shares of their content. However this doesn’t make our websites rank. If you make a relevant quality content, search engine will crawl it, people will link to it, like it, share it on Facebook, and G+. But that doesn’t mean that Google is using those signals in our ranking. The best way to rank the website is to build good relationship with the influencers who can improve SEO authority.

Links Are the ‘Most Important’ Ranking Factor

Truly it’s believed that links are the most important factor in ranking, but it is said in this texts that there is no any ranking factor. We use several links in our posts, in content and even in the descriptions. However it helps our brand to be known by other people in different categories and niche. None of them directly being proved that it ranks your websites through those links. It depends also on the type of communities to where you are joining where people can see and share your posts.

These are the beliefs that says where links are the most important ranking factor:

  • had a lot of penalized people.
  • Encouraged them to do minimum of keyword research.
  • Caused them to completely miss out on the value of long tail.
  • Downplayed the importance of content.
  • Missed the mark on title tags and search snippets.
  • Created a SEO spam we users have repeatedly outranked, no “optimized” anchor text, and no natural “link building.”

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