How to generate content ideas?

As you are continuously creating new article for your blog, you might thinking of how you can create new and unique ideas for your your next article. You can always get new ideas for your content creation when you know what industry you are in and how well you are doing your job.

Some tactics may help you with this. Here are the six tips to generate content. 

Regular communication with your audience

Using some tools to communicate with your audience helps you get ideas for your content. People can share you with their experiences, comments and opinions when you tried to connect with them. Social media comments and blog posts may help you with your content creation.

Schedule time to utilize information

Your customers are your best resources. Make sure that your social media tools allows you to keep an eye to industry information. It is important that you can learn all the trends and updates from competitors so that you can provide your audience an improved and better articles.


Set up a weekly brainstorming with the team. Each person has their own experiences and ideas, put them together and the result will be great. A new and unique topic for your article can be developed within the bright ideas of the whole team.

Free tools

Take the opportunity of using free tools offered from the internet. Tools like buzzsumo and can help you search keywords related to your industry. 

Use digital content offline

You notice that social media marketing works well with the posts that give them a lot of likes. You want to find ideas from social media post or from google that will help you go viral. Sometimes we need to try writing on our own and prove to ourselves that we are good and creative. 

You can send hand written letter to your followers mentioning some of your social media accounts.

Make a storage of your ideas

No matter how drained you are, you can always think of new idea. When that happens, you can store it quickly whatever you do. You can get a piece of paper to write down your main ideas so you can remember it when you’re ready to write your next article.